I’ve got a lot of them but you’ve never seen them even though they’re yours and you asked me to do it but you know if I have to log in as me then I can do that but you’re not connected so its too hard from here and anyway I haven’t got my cartridges refilled at cartridge world where they have that monstrous yellow shop front next to the cafe that used to be a shop that now has those middle class dropouts snuffling and snorting around redbush teabags in the half-light of a norfolk anticlimax, so I guess I should take up the viking offer before mr tim caynes! is no longer able to get the branded ones before it expires but, I mean, its better if I upload them to photobox, and we just need to work out which ones to add via that applet which takes 17 hours to complete and I know that you know we haven’t put any in for over 5 years but at least we’ve sorted some out from when she was 6 months and had sick in her hair, a bit like the other night after that implant rejected and we gave birth to a small intestine on the canal.
I mean, they only look posh, but they ain’t really so they’re only as posh as what you are like and me so don’t bother with them and I tell you, she’s just a nasty piece of work so I’m not going out of my way to do that out of hours stuff when I’ve got three dealers and a monkey with three donkeys to pay cos the hack’s gone down to newmarket with the dongle and my apparatus has crashed off the A47 into that ditch where bernard matthews pride of the east is cavorting with a lemon and squeezing the plums through the catflap. I mean, its good, but its not right.