so I’ll set this up and we can drive it across all the strands of stuff because I mean we know just what we need to do but I’m not really sure that we quite know if there is a particular page we’re supposed to be colliding on because excuse us if we’re used to the morris 1100 haynes manual but we’re gonna have to get something straight by the close of business or we’ll all be at different layers. and yes, I’m still here.
I really didn’t expect to be ready to do any of this stuff yet but I understand just how critical it is to somebody somewhere because you’ve started to find out exactly what it is that they think their requirements are so I’m thinking that if we get something set up for 8am tomorrow then I guess we’ll have a strategy. oh, I know that’s not really a map to the standards but actually, in this case, we’re allowed to get it horribly wrong, so let’s just continue with the circles because they’re presented in a really logical order. if you’re still on the phone, I guess we can recap at this point. we dunno.
by this time webex is flashing my life before me, but with a 3 second delay, so I manage to pick out a couple of bits that I’d always wondered about and pinch myself before the virtual truck hits and maybe I’ll catch the end of the champions league or maybe say hello to the rest of the family as they close the bedroom door that I opened the last time I saw them this morning.
I’ve still got an hour on thursday I haven’t filled. how about that?