ponderously engaging with spreadsheet drivel wasn’t exactly the mirthfest we might have imagined but it seems we have been assimilated into the larger corporation whereby the key players do what they do what they do what they do. I had the dream again about crawling across el camino real and ending up in wendy’s for the rest of my life wearing a namebadge that just says ‘widget’ and people just stand in front of me saying ‘can I have it like that? (you can have it like that)’. it was spliced with the one about sideburns and buicks.
enough already. if I’m going to have to do real work it’ll be all mine. you can borrow it. but don’t kick it over mr ellis fence because he’ll stick a nail in it and put it in the bin, laughing maniacally to himself as his wife washes the sheets in the bath. it’s my turn. this is the last time you’ll have the chance. I saw manic street preachers last night and didn’t even go down the front because I’d just got back from the tower of london. does that make sense? we don’t have time for this now, so don’t go over all that again, it like we do every week. tsk.
I can do all that for nothing. stop spending my money.