you stay loyal to a company and you like a little in return, I mean, any company wants a dependable repeatable revenue stream even if it’s just the kind that comes in once a year because the product just failed outside the warranty or I’d broken it myself by being a clumsy arse. so then ideally you’d expect a technology company to provide support services to individuals who buy their products via integrated and intelligent web venues because we all know that people who buy technology products can’t speak to real people on the phone. especially if the people on the other end of the phone are girls.
having added a couple of bits to my ever-expanding brushed aluminium sony garage sale recently I figured I might register these things online like the registration docs tell you to in order to get the extra benefits of indirect marketing campaigns you didn’t realize you’d agreed to by clicking the submit button. this will be easy because I’m already registered with the MySony and SonyStyle web sites so they know all about me.
if I have to explain how painful the next 3 hours of my life were, you probably use the phone instead. if I didn’t even need to tell you that the next 3 hours were painful then you’re probably working in a techology company wondering why its taken 10 years to do single signon and it still isn’t there yet.